Basic Features
- KPI card with data and its category labels as well as default icon
- Card customization including (background color, show/hide border, border radius and color, border stroke, stroke width)
- Icon in the KPI card
- Customization for Icon including (Icon URL, icon size, icon radius, icon transparency)
- Data label customization including (text color, display units, font size, family, and style)
- Include/exclude data category label and its features
Pro Features
- All basic features +
- Add up to 10 KPI cards in one visual
- Orientation of cards (rows, Columns)
- Handle space between each card
- Add comparison fields
- Customization for comparison fields including (text color, font size, family and style)
- Border Strip for single or multi card KPIs
- Set border strip color according to comparison scenarios (>, <, =) to match your needs